Door to the pizza oven
There is beautiful stencilling everywhere. This at the farm I slept at last night.
Over dinner last night I learned that in Switzerland there is no 1 head of state but instead 7 elected leaders. My new Swiss friend told me that even they (the 7) are not necessary since any citizen can start a petition, get enough signatures and it will become a public referendum and if voted in becomes law. They vote on such questions about 1 per month. Now that sounds like direct democracy. In Italy on the other hand, there are numerous laws enacted by the chaotic parliament but the public decides which laws they will follow. If they don't like the law it will not be obeyed. A very diffent style of direct democracy.
Best new food. Whole pears (skin, stem, all) cooked in red wine with sugar. The sauce reduced to a thick deep maroon syrup. So good.
Best new sound. I walked past a flock of about 100 sheep. Each animal had a bell around its neck. Such a nice sound they made as they grazed. One black sheep in the flock, of course.
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