Ahhh the cheese. The profume of stinky cheese fills the streets of Pienza. My favorite version is covered in wood ashes (who would have thought?). I wish I could take a whole store full home with me.
My cantina-like (wine cellar) room. It was so nice and cool in there.
This Tower in Montichiello has been converted into a home. What a view they must have!
Italians really do potted plants well. They grow everything in pots- even hosta, hydrangea, huge vines of jasmine, rose bushes, etc.
My last beautiful night was is Montichiello, a tiny walled village with 2 restaurants, 1 artist shop, 1 linen shop, 1 public phone and that's it. It is most known for its popular theatre. Each year they put on a politically inspired play that is written and produced by the people in the village. The big show is a few weeks away so they are practicing every night at 9:30pm. I watched for awhile last night. I saw a scene with 20 villagers in it and there are lots of child actors as well. I think the whole village really is in on it. What I saw was quite funny and very well done. The economic crisis was the main topic, here are a few quotes (probably not a perfect translation) "it is just a psychological crisis." "No it is a crisis of the family- too much divorce." "It is our great moment as Italians to express our patriotism and overcome this hurdle." "It doesn't matter, so long as we are free human beings alive in the profound cosmos, we are OK." Political melodrama, if course. It was hard to go to sleep before the rehersal was over (it was in a little piazza next to my room on a stage that was constructed that morning). A really great feeling of solidarity, working together, and fun.
My last supper was a delicious very thin homemade pasta with zucchini and zucchini flowers in a light cream and saffron sauce. And a large glass of Vino Nobile. Is wine usually 14.5% alcohol? I took a slightly swaying walk at sunset around the perimeter of the town and saw a beautiful sunset panorama.
My last walk, the next morning was to Montepulciano. I started at 7am. It was long and steep, with herds of sheep flowing over ridges with the accompanyment of tinkling bells. I found sour but very good little yellow plums and another oblong pink fruit that was incredibly sweet with honey like juice clinging in drops to the bottom of each ripe fruit. Such treats growing on the side of the road just for me! Good thing too because that last walk was hot and tiring. It is discouraging to look down a long steeply descending trail in front of you and the imposiible cliff infront of that with your destination on top. If only I could climb up only once and then float from peak to peak. Ah but life is never that way. The last walk left me wishing for more but very grateful for the experience I had.
What a trip it was. Thanks for letting me share it with you.